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Leicester Police Launch Care Call Reassurance Program Leicester – The Leicester Police Department has completed the installation of their Care Call Reassurance Program and they are looking for subscribers. Leicester Police Chief James Hurley stated the program is a fully automated computer system which calls residents and checks on them on a daily basis using what is called telephone reassurance. Telephone reassurance is where the police department uses the automated calling system to contact senior citizens or handicapped members of the community on a daily basis to verify that they are ok. Currently there are currently six members of the community using the program but the chief hopes that number will increase as word spreads about the program. “We hope to see an increase in the number or residents using the program particularly as we approach the winter. That is the time of year that we see an increased need to check on the population using the reassurance program. Many seniors do not get out as frequently in the cold weather and with the increased cost of heating fuel this winter it is vital that we use this program to make sure they are safe Hurley said. The system which cost approximately $6,900 was completely funded through the Leicester Police Department’s Community Policing Grant from the Executive Office of Public Safety and Security. Chief Hurley stated that when the members of the department were working on the community policing grant and the grant budget their was a unanimous consensus that the department needed to implement this program. Everyone that was involved realized the importance of this program and role it will play in the community. We were glad we could aquire it, especially at no cost to the taxpayers. The launching of the program with the initial six seniors ends a year of preparation and technical research by the Leicester Police Department. Acquiring the system and actually getting it here was the first phase. The police department then had to purchase phone line equipment so that the system could access an existing phone line to make the reassurance calls. We were able to provide the system access to an existing phone line being used by other equipment at the police station. This was important to the long term viability of the program. If we had to pay for an additional line that recurring cost could eventually interfere with the program. Accessing an already existing line was technically challenging but results in no additional costs to the community. Chief Hurley stated that Leicester residents interested in the program you can register for the program by calling the Leicester Police Department at (508) 892-7010 and ask the dispatcher about registering for the Care Reassurance program. An officer will respond to you home with an application and assist you in filling it out if necessary. You can also download the program registration form from the Leicester Police Department website www.leicesterpd.org by going to the forms section and printing out the Are you O.K. form. Complete the form and mail it in to the Leicester Police Department, 90 South Main Street, Leicester, MA. 01524. Anyone with any questions pertaining to the program can Contact Chief Hurley via e-mail at hurleyj@leicesterma.org or Sgt. Kenneth Antanavica via e-mail at antanavicak@leicesterma.org or by phone at (508) 892-7010. For additional information on the system you can access the company’s website at http://www.callingcare.com/ruok.htm. Chief Hurley indicated that the installation of the system was overseen by Sgt. Kenneth Antanavica who expended a great deal of effort to get the system up and running. “We appreciate everything he has done” the chief said
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